Saturday, November 8, 2008

I don't have a good title

Well the last few days have been interesting. I finally got together with the friend I promised to meet a few weeks back, and we had a good time seeing Burn After Reading and then had some coffee afterwards. The only thing is we sat outside beside some garbage bins and people were walking around us a lot. This had been the only time I've gone out in like 2 or 3 weeks, so it was refreshing. I still have something in my throat leftover from the sickness I've had for a month, but hopefully it is the last remnant of it. I don't ever remember being so sick for so long. This weekend my cousin Dave and his family are coming to Sydney, so we will get together and catch up and maybe discuss when I can come visit him in Adelaide. I'm thinking sometime in December or January, but that will be arranged I'm sure. It will definitely require me buying plane tickets because I don't want to take the bus or train there... I take those every day! I will also go to a Jeff Martin concert on Sunday, that should be interesting. I'm hoping it's more of a Tea Party sound than the bluesy, experimental thing I've heard him doing recently. I like those eastern instruments that he plays it's amazing to hear them synthesized with rock music so well.

Yesterday instead of going home the regular way I decided to venture out and explore the neighbourhood a bit. Little did I know I would end up getting lost in suburbia! There is a long path that leads out of the industrial section to a nice park where the nieghbourhood kids can play some cricket. It wasn't very inviting, this path. I think people do drugs here at night. There were some magpies too in a tree nearby making lots of fuss. I hear they dive down at people during the mating season; good thing to look forward to in the future. So I kept walking deeper and deeper into the neighbourhood, and I soon lost track of which streets I had been on. After about an hour I realized I would never find the bus stop so I turn back and just kept turning left the whole time. That is apparently a good way to get out of a maze. And it worked! I found my way back and got home around 7:30 that night instead of at 6:30. So not a bad difference, I thought I'd be a lot later than that. When I got home and checked the internet, I realized that if I had walked just a bit further, I could have got to the next bus stop!

And it made me think... I go through life trying to get towards a particular goal and sort of have a vague idea of where it is, but I always end up treading the path up to a particular point and then get scared and turn back to where I started. If only I could muster up just a bit more courage I could reach my goal because it could likely end up being just around the corner! So this getting lost sort of mirrored how my life is going now. Aimlessly walking towards a goal but when there is any sign of doubt I go back on what I know best, my downloading and videogames and movies and entertainment. How appropriate.

Anyway hopefully I'll have some fun this weekend and you should too! Go Adama! Obama! Osama!


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