Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kangaroo tastes good

Well today was my third day at work and it went by rather quickly, because I had a lot to do. I am settling in now and it would suck to be fired. When I got home, I made up a little kangaroo steak stir fry, with mushrooms, capsicum, green beans, and onion. Everything was perfect, except I put a little bit too much oil in the pan. I've never tasted kangaroo before so it was quite interesting. It has a very strong smell to it, and the taste is similar to a deer. That is the closest approximation I could think of. It's a very dark meat. I also bought tickets for the train and bus I will take every day, and it turns out it's nearly $70 AUD per week. I think that's a bit ridiculous, so I will try to find another way to get to work. I don't ever remember paying so much for transportation in the past. I might be doing something wrong if I have to pay so much. I have been watching cooking-related shows and it looks quite interesting what they're doing. I always get a huge appetite too, but that should be expected. I really am tired of microwave meals and fastfood all the time, and I really enjoy cooking. It's strange working now because I have so little free time. I am out of the house from 6:30am to 6:30pm, and have to go to sleep around 10 so that I can wake up at 6 the next day. I wonder if I'll ever get out of Sydney. This company says that if I perform well enough they will keep me on for longer... longer than I had planned on staying in Australia. That should be interesting once it plays out. My sister is gone this week doing fund raising in Canberra. She says she can't even do any sightseeing because she has to work so much. But I'm sure she will eke out some fun from her trip.

Well I hope you enjoyed the run-on paragraph.


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