Well today was my third day at work and it went by rather quickly, because I had a lot to do. I am settling in now and it would suck to be fired. When I got home, I made up a little kangaroo steak stir fry, with mushrooms, capsicum, green beans, and onion. Everything was perfect, except I put a little bit too much oil in the pan. I've never tasted kangaroo before so it was quite interesting. It has a very strong smell to it, and the taste is similar to a deer. That is the closest approximation I could think of. It's a very dark meat. I also bought tickets for the train and bus I will take every day, and it turns out it's nearly $70 AUD per week. I think that's a bit ridiculous, so I will try to find another way to get to work. I don't ever remember paying so much for transportation in the past. I might be doing something wrong if I have to pay so much. I have been watching cooking-related shows and it looks quite interesting what they're doing. I always get a huge appetite too, but that should be expected. I really am tired of microwave meals and fastfood all the time, and I really enjoy cooking. It's strange working now because I have so little free time. I am out of the house from 6:30am to 6:30pm, and have to go to sleep around 10 so that I can wake up at 6 the next day. I wonder if I'll ever get out of Sydney. This company says that if I perform well enough they will keep me on for longer... longer than I had planned on staying in Australia. That should be interesting once it plays out. My sister is gone this week doing fund raising in Canberra. She says she can't even do any sightseeing because she has to work so much. But I'm sure she will eke out some fun from her trip.
Well I hope you enjoyed the run-on paragraph.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
I am still a failure but a little less of one
So Friday was my first day of working in Australia. It was just as I had imagined it, so no complaints there. The drawings system at this company is not really organized, so I will have to talk to my supervisor on Monday to sort things out. I just hate waking up at 5:30 in the morning to get to this place... it's not fun at all, especially when the walls are so thin in my room and I have no earplugs. But I will keep at it and try my best, I am on a 2 week trial period so we shall see what happens.
Today I actually managed to get to Hillsong Church, like I had tried last week. The bus was pretty packed and there were even some Canadian backpackers on the bus. Of course I didn't talk to them cause again I was too scared. The bus ride took half an hour and I looked outside at the upscale houses... this was just suburbia like nobody's business. When we got to the church I was a bit disappointed; it was much smaller than I had imagined. I'm sure it seats a lot of people but it was just so compact. It had some nice digital equipment though, and 3 big screens at the front of the podium. They had some pretty cool effects happening during the worship service, and yes they had HD cameras. Nice to see a church so up to speed in technology. They even have their service linked via satellite to other ones in the vicinity. It reminded me a bit of Meeting House, except the witty & charming Bruxy Cavey was nowhere to be seen! Anyway, I went out of there talking to nobody, cause that is my style, and went back home on the train.
I don't know about church anymore if I'm going to go regularly or not. There is one closer to me in the city, I will try it out next week. Because this particular one is way out in the suburbs and takes me forever to get there. The main purpose is because I want to meet some people... the whole God/Jesus thing will sort itself out afterwards. I'm still struggling to understand how religion fits into my life, if it should at all. I often stand in church wondering why everyone is raising their hands and getting all into it when I just stand there feeling all empty, lonely, and depressed. Anyway, I will probably write another blog once something else interesting happens.
Today I actually managed to get to Hillsong Church, like I had tried last week. The bus was pretty packed and there were even some Canadian backpackers on the bus. Of course I didn't talk to them cause again I was too scared. The bus ride took half an hour and I looked outside at the upscale houses... this was just suburbia like nobody's business. When we got to the church I was a bit disappointed; it was much smaller than I had imagined. I'm sure it seats a lot of people but it was just so compact. It had some nice digital equipment though, and 3 big screens at the front of the podium. They had some pretty cool effects happening during the worship service, and yes they had HD cameras. Nice to see a church so up to speed in technology. They even have their service linked via satellite to other ones in the vicinity. It reminded me a bit of Meeting House, except the witty & charming Bruxy Cavey was nowhere to be seen! Anyway, I went out of there talking to nobody, cause that is my style, and went back home on the train.
I don't know about church anymore if I'm going to go regularly or not. There is one closer to me in the city, I will try it out next week. Because this particular one is way out in the suburbs and takes me forever to get there. The main purpose is because I want to meet some people... the whole God/Jesus thing will sort itself out afterwards. I'm still struggling to understand how religion fits into my life, if it should at all. I often stand in church wondering why everyone is raising their hands and getting all into it when I just stand there feeling all empty, lonely, and depressed. Anyway, I will probably write another blog once something else interesting happens.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Two jobs
Yes, today I got up really early and went out to two job interviews. Long story short, I was a little too technically deficient for one job so they passed on me, and the second one they told me I could start tomorrow.
So I put on my fancy suit in the morning, and put on my dress shoes... which immediately began to bite into open-wound blisters I received from the very same shoes a week before. No matter, I had to endure it for the day, smile through the pain! I had my map routed out (even though the route mapping system of Sydney is in major need of an overhaul), I had everything planned in my head what I was going to say, and I had just a few dabs of hair gel left. As I got on the train I realized I was really going to cut it close to make it to this interview on time, and boy was I right about that! But more on that later.
My recruiter called me up a while later while I was still waiting for the train to leave (It was 8:45 and I had to be there by 10:00). We went over some things we had talked about the day before, and she wish me good luck and I was on my way. I arrived at the station and got on a bus, but it turned out I had to PRE PAY for this one. AH! So I quickly went to the ticket station across the street to pick up a ticket, but by the time I got back to the stop it had left. No worries, the next bus would come soon. But when it did come it said 'Macquarie University' on it, not 'Macquarie Centre' as I was hoping. Still, I thought better this bus than none, and got on anyway. That was a bit of an error. I figured the bus would go on to the centre after the univirsity, but I that was not the case. The university was the last stop... all the students got off and I was there alone, so I felt stupid and followed the last student out. Here I was, lost in a foreign university campus, with 10 minutes to spare until 10:00am. Sweat was rolling down my forehead and down from under my armpits. In a panic I ran towards where I thought the shopping centre was (where I originally wanted to go). Luckily, it was where I thought it was. Saved!
But I still had to quicken my pace because I was pretty late. As I got closer to my destination I remembered that these guys are pretty secretive (it's a research lab), and that it would be hard to find the entrance. Luckily, I found the right entrance right on the dot 10:00am. A guy opened the door and looked at my quizzically, when I said my name is Joram and I'm here for an interview with John... D'OH I had forgotten his last name. We got that sorted out pretty quick though and before I knew it I was in a room with 3 guys asking me all kinds of questions... that had to be answered immediately! The interview went well and I had to sign an NDA, so can't really talk about what the company does. All I can say is, what they do will REVOLUTIONIZE the industry they are targeting... just you wait. The main guy interviewing me turned out to look like my old boss Joe from my Niscon days, so it was very peculiar hearing a Joe-copy talking Australian. The interview went well, I answered all questions quickly without hesitation, remembered to laugh and smile at the right times and not slouch or put my hand over my face. They even showed me their testing rigs at the end and the main guy drove me to the bus station after; my first time in an Australian car!
After the interview I called the recruiter and we talked about how the interview went, and she even asked me some tough questions during the call, as if I was still in the interview! Crazy! In fact what she had prepped me for was something much harder than what it actually was, so it was good she did that because it prepared me for the worst. She kind of laughed how I took a big bow around Sydney to get to where I was going, since there were much more direct paths.
So I took the bus back to the main CBD (central business district) Sydney, and got another lovely look at the Sydney Opera House from the Harbour Bridge. I really gotta do the Harbour Bridge Climb one day, that will be amazing. I always see tourists on there. Anyway, I got to the train station and trained to West Sydney area, which took a bit of time. Good thing the 2nd interview was more of an open time frame that I was allowed to be at the interview, so no pressures if I got lost. When I got to the final train station and was about to get on a bus, I was stopped by a girl wanting donations for a charity. She immediately realized I wasn't an Aussie and we had a pleasant conversation instead of her begging me for money! Turns out she is from the UK and also working abroad just like me, and she told me I MUST go to the Max Brenner Chocolate Cafe when in Australia, or else my trip was for nothing! I should have got her number now that I think about it... she said if I get my job please think of the charity, and wished me good luck and I was on my way.
Now this bus I was on was amazing: it actually had a recorded voice say the name of the next station! You didn't have to look at a map and out the window frantically hoping you're matching up the stops. Very clear and non-complicated. Also, this particular bus line had a road specially designed for it; it wasnt' just the very far lane, there was an actual TRANSITWAY built for the purpose of a bus! To top that off there were even special 'B' lights inserted into the traffic lights so that only a bus could be in the intersection. Very impressive. So when my stop came I heard the voice say it and I pressed the button: no worries! 15 minute walk later and I was at the company.
I didn't sign an NDA with these guys so I can say the company is called Liquip, and Steve the guy who interviewed me was sooooooooooo laid back! In fact after explaining everything to me he was already setting up a computer for me and an account and told me be here by 8AM tomorrow! I was pretty amazed. Of course, now I will have to show these guys I can actually do mechanical drafting without my daddy helping me out all the time... should be interesting! Tolerances on dimensions isn't a walk in the park let me tell you! Lots of experience and you just have to 'get it', which I haven't completely. That's why I'm a bit worried. So I got that job, and as i walked back to the bus stop I treated myself to a 15-Dollar lunch, nice tuna sandwich with a fruit salad on the side and a nice cold bottle of Pepsi. While I was eating the recruiter for THIS job (another girl), called me and told me if I wanted to work tomorrow I had to kick it into high gear over to her office (again the other side of Sydney, North Sydney). I said NO PROBS and finished my lunch (it was 3:50, late lunch), and took the same way back.
I arrived at the recruitment office at about 5:30pm, and realized the 2 recruiters who had 'found' me were staying overtime just to set me up with the paperwork! I felt a bit bad I made them wait too long, but they were all like 'no worries' and really cool about it. So I got a nice pen and mug out of the deal, and some time sheets, I am ready for this thing! 8 to 5pm! Yikes! I will have to wake up SUPER EARLY to get there, it takes about 1 1/2 hours at least. But it's ok since I'm not too into night life, as you all already probably know, so turning in at 10, 10:30ish won't be such a big deal for me. I just have to buy earplugs because sometimes the neighbours can be really noisy at night.
On the way back the FIRST RECRUITER called me and said I didn't get the job because another candidate they had interviewed had more experience + skills than me. Oh well. The silver lining of the cloud is that they liked me, I am a 'good bloke' as it were, and they will try to find another position for me within the company. So that will be pretty sweet if it happens, I really want to be part of their operation, like I said earlier they will revolutionize their industry once the prototype becomes a product and goes into mass-production to be sold to vendors. Cool stuff.
So now I'm here waiting around writing the longest blog ever and hopefully not boring you, the reader. I will appreciate TL;DR comments. Those ones are the best. And I know they mean that you love me but I am too long-winded and should get to the point already. Oh btw crows and seagulls have really strange calls here in Australia. They sound like they are poor imitations of their much superior North-American cousins. But they make up for it for having way more exotic birds here.
Thanks for reading all, hope to hear from you soon.
So I put on my fancy suit in the morning, and put on my dress shoes... which immediately began to bite into open-wound blisters I received from the very same shoes a week before. No matter, I had to endure it for the day, smile through the pain! I had my map routed out (even though the route mapping system of Sydney is in major need of an overhaul), I had everything planned in my head what I was going to say, and I had just a few dabs of hair gel left. As I got on the train I realized I was really going to cut it close to make it to this interview on time, and boy was I right about that! But more on that later.
My recruiter called me up a while later while I was still waiting for the train to leave (It was 8:45 and I had to be there by 10:00). We went over some things we had talked about the day before, and she wish me good luck and I was on my way. I arrived at the station and got on a bus, but it turned out I had to PRE PAY for this one. AH! So I quickly went to the ticket station across the street to pick up a ticket, but by the time I got back to the stop it had left. No worries, the next bus would come soon. But when it did come it said 'Macquarie University' on it, not 'Macquarie Centre' as I was hoping. Still, I thought better this bus than none, and got on anyway. That was a bit of an error. I figured the bus would go on to the centre after the univirsity, but I that was not the case. The university was the last stop... all the students got off and I was there alone, so I felt stupid and followed the last student out. Here I was, lost in a foreign university campus, with 10 minutes to spare until 10:00am. Sweat was rolling down my forehead and down from under my armpits. In a panic I ran towards where I thought the shopping centre was (where I originally wanted to go). Luckily, it was where I thought it was. Saved!
But I still had to quicken my pace because I was pretty late. As I got closer to my destination I remembered that these guys are pretty secretive (it's a research lab), and that it would be hard to find the entrance. Luckily, I found the right entrance right on the dot 10:00am. A guy opened the door and looked at my quizzically, when I said my name is Joram and I'm here for an interview with John... D'OH I had forgotten his last name. We got that sorted out pretty quick though and before I knew it I was in a room with 3 guys asking me all kinds of questions... that had to be answered immediately! The interview went well and I had to sign an NDA, so can't really talk about what the company does. All I can say is, what they do will REVOLUTIONIZE the industry they are targeting... just you wait. The main guy interviewing me turned out to look like my old boss Joe from my Niscon days, so it was very peculiar hearing a Joe-copy talking Australian. The interview went well, I answered all questions quickly without hesitation, remembered to laugh and smile at the right times and not slouch or put my hand over my face. They even showed me their testing rigs at the end and the main guy drove me to the bus station after; my first time in an Australian car!
After the interview I called the recruiter and we talked about how the interview went, and she even asked me some tough questions during the call, as if I was still in the interview! Crazy! In fact what she had prepped me for was something much harder than what it actually was, so it was good she did that because it prepared me for the worst. She kind of laughed how I took a big bow around Sydney to get to where I was going, since there were much more direct paths.
So I took the bus back to the main CBD (central business district) Sydney, and got another lovely look at the Sydney Opera House from the Harbour Bridge. I really gotta do the Harbour Bridge Climb one day, that will be amazing. I always see tourists on there. Anyway, I got to the train station and trained to West Sydney area, which took a bit of time. Good thing the 2nd interview was more of an open time frame that I was allowed to be at the interview, so no pressures if I got lost. When I got to the final train station and was about to get on a bus, I was stopped by a girl wanting donations for a charity. She immediately realized I wasn't an Aussie and we had a pleasant conversation instead of her begging me for money! Turns out she is from the UK and also working abroad just like me, and she told me I MUST go to the Max Brenner Chocolate Cafe when in Australia, or else my trip was for nothing! I should have got her number now that I think about it... she said if I get my job please think of the charity, and wished me good luck and I was on my way.
Now this bus I was on was amazing: it actually had a recorded voice say the name of the next station! You didn't have to look at a map and out the window frantically hoping you're matching up the stops. Very clear and non-complicated. Also, this particular bus line had a road specially designed for it; it wasnt' just the very far lane, there was an actual TRANSITWAY built for the purpose of a bus! To top that off there were even special 'B' lights inserted into the traffic lights so that only a bus could be in the intersection. Very impressive. So when my stop came I heard the voice say it and I pressed the button: no worries! 15 minute walk later and I was at the company.
I didn't sign an NDA with these guys so I can say the company is called Liquip, and Steve the guy who interviewed me was sooooooooooo laid back! In fact after explaining everything to me he was already setting up a computer for me and an account and told me be here by 8AM tomorrow! I was pretty amazed. Of course, now I will have to show these guys I can actually do mechanical drafting without my daddy helping me out all the time... should be interesting! Tolerances on dimensions isn't a walk in the park let me tell you! Lots of experience and you just have to 'get it', which I haven't completely. That's why I'm a bit worried. So I got that job, and as i walked back to the bus stop I treated myself to a 15-Dollar lunch, nice tuna sandwich with a fruit salad on the side and a nice cold bottle of Pepsi. While I was eating the recruiter for THIS job (another girl), called me and told me if I wanted to work tomorrow I had to kick it into high gear over to her office (again the other side of Sydney, North Sydney). I said NO PROBS and finished my lunch (it was 3:50, late lunch), and took the same way back.
I arrived at the recruitment office at about 5:30pm, and realized the 2 recruiters who had 'found' me were staying overtime just to set me up with the paperwork! I felt a bit bad I made them wait too long, but they were all like 'no worries' and really cool about it. So I got a nice pen and mug out of the deal, and some time sheets, I am ready for this thing! 8 to 5pm! Yikes! I will have to wake up SUPER EARLY to get there, it takes about 1 1/2 hours at least. But it's ok since I'm not too into night life, as you all already probably know, so turning in at 10, 10:30ish won't be such a big deal for me. I just have to buy earplugs because sometimes the neighbours can be really noisy at night.
On the way back the FIRST RECRUITER called me and said I didn't get the job because another candidate they had interviewed had more experience + skills than me. Oh well. The silver lining of the cloud is that they liked me, I am a 'good bloke' as it were, and they will try to find another position for me within the company. So that will be pretty sweet if it happens, I really want to be part of their operation, like I said earlier they will revolutionize their industry once the prototype becomes a product and goes into mass-production to be sold to vendors. Cool stuff.
So now I'm here waiting around writing the longest blog ever and hopefully not boring you, the reader. I will appreciate TL;DR comments. Those ones are the best. And I know they mean that you love me but I am too long-winded and should get to the point already. Oh btw crows and seagulls have really strange calls here in Australia. They sound like they are poor imitations of their much superior North-American cousins. But they make up for it for having way more exotic birds here.
Thanks for reading all, hope to hear from you soon.
Monday, October 13, 2008
I am a complete failure
Well today I wanted to go to Hillsong Church. I got up at about 8am, sat in bed until 8:45, then got ready in the bathroom. I left the house at 9:00am exactly. As I walked to Central Station I was worried I wouldn't make it in time for my 9:21 departure time. Luckily I got there by 9:15 and bought my ticket for $6.80 (round trip). They offer free bus trips from two different stations. Unfortunately, the ticket i bought didn't say which platform it took off from, so I was searching around frantically for 10 minutes trying to find the right train. I missed my train by 5 minutes, and the next one left at 9:35. So I took that one anyway. When I got to Parrammeta station, I debated getting out because one of the buses leaves from there. But I didn't get out. To my dismay I saw the bus was still waiting there (I knew it was the bus because it had some slogan written on the side, something about God wanting to get to know you). So I stayed in the train until Black Town Station, where the other bus had left already at 10:00am. When I got there I realized there were buses and taxis there that could potentially take me to Hillsong, but I was too scared to talk to people and ask them, and instead wandered into the mall and bought me some Hungry Jacks (Burger King).
After that I just went back home.
So that is my story of how I failed to go to church.
I will try again next week, this time I know where the train takes off and maybe I'll go earlier as well.
After that I just went back home.
So that is my story of how I failed to go to church.
I will try again next week, this time I know where the train takes off and maybe I'll go earlier as well.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
So THAT'S what salt water tastes like!
Yeah so I went to Surf Camp Australia this week. It was quite a lot of work, but also (thankfully), a lot of fun as well! This was a strange thing for me to do because I am not a big fan of water in general, I don't go swimming unless I am forced by friends. I signed up for the camp after one of the head coaches gave a talk about it and told us it was for everyone and after showing some pictures of the place and explaining how it works. Also, it only cost me about $425 Canadian, so since meals are included and I haven't had anything decent to eat for a while, why not?
So I woke up on Monday October 6 really early to walk to the hostel for the bus to pick us up. Everytime a nice Greyhound bus passed us by I was wondering what sort of a bus would take us there... eventually I found out, it was a small Toyota bus that seats about 25 people. It was obvious that it was our bus because it had 'Surf Camp Australia' written on it.
We drove through some hilly countryside for about 2 hours south of Sydney to get to the beach. Pretty nice scenery all around. There were a lot of Germans at the camp, some Swedes, some Danes, some Dutchies as well. Canadians, Americans, and UK folk were in a small minority. And there was one French and one Italian guy. So a pretty good mix of people, but pretty much all white people. One hour after we arrived we got into our wetsuits and went to the beach to start our first lesson! The first thing we learned was where we need to position ourselves on the board, and how to push up on it. The standing didn't come until the second lesson.
I though it would be similar to snowboafding but the only thing that's similar is the stance. Front foot at 45 degrees, back foot at 90 degrees. Keep your body straight. Of course since I'm a weak-sauce computer nerd I stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the more built peers, but I got over it after I saw them wipe out as much as me.
Over the days I got better and better and my coach even told me he was happy to see me get better. I could probably do this if I could somehow live close enough to a beach and fit it into my schedule. It really is a good feeling when you 'get it', and get a good ride out to the beach. Of course we didn't do anything near to what they have in their posters, riding through tunnel/barrel waves. That is for the professionals. But the important thing is I had fun and met a bunch of people.
Now reality will set in and I'll have to find a job! Or else I will not have as much fun. There are still a bunch of things I want to do like some cruises, skydiving, and some outback adventures. I have an interview 4 hours from now and I'm pretty stoked for it.
If you want to see pictures, go to www.nowak-designs.com/fotos , or check my facebook page.
Thanks again for reading, hope to hear from you soon!

So I woke up on Monday October 6 really early to walk to the hostel for the bus to pick us up. Everytime a nice Greyhound bus passed us by I was wondering what sort of a bus would take us there... eventually I found out, it was a small Toyota bus that seats about 25 people. It was obvious that it was our bus because it had 'Surf Camp Australia' written on it.
We drove through some hilly countryside for about 2 hours south of Sydney to get to the beach. Pretty nice scenery all around. There were a lot of Germans at the camp, some Swedes, some Danes, some Dutchies as well. Canadians, Americans, and UK folk were in a small minority. And there was one French and one Italian guy. So a pretty good mix of people, but pretty much all white people. One hour after we arrived we got into our wetsuits and went to the beach to start our first lesson! The first thing we learned was where we need to position ourselves on the board, and how to push up on it. The standing didn't come until the second lesson.
I though it would be similar to snowboafding but the only thing that's similar is the stance. Front foot at 45 degrees, back foot at 90 degrees. Keep your body straight. Of course since I'm a weak-sauce computer nerd I stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the more built peers, but I got over it after I saw them wipe out as much as me.
Over the days I got better and better and my coach even told me he was happy to see me get better. I could probably do this if I could somehow live close enough to a beach and fit it into my schedule. It really is a good feeling when you 'get it', and get a good ride out to the beach. Of course we didn't do anything near to what they have in their posters, riding through tunnel/barrel waves. That is for the professionals. But the important thing is I had fun and met a bunch of people.
Now reality will set in and I'll have to find a job! Or else I will not have as much fun. There are still a bunch of things I want to do like some cruises, skydiving, and some outback adventures. I have an interview 4 hours from now and I'm pretty stoked for it.
If you want to see pictures, go to www.nowak-designs.com/foto
Thanks again for reading, hope to hear from you soon!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Settling in... or not?
Well a couple days have gone by and I am still sending my resume and cover letter to companies all over the place. I am still too proud to take a restaurant job or something like that but as I said in the past, I may have to put that pride aside (hey that rhymes), and start making some dough soon or else things will be bad!
Last night I went to the Sidebar, which is another backpacker bar. There are a lot of them around here, so you meet all kinds of internationals in them. Of course, I just grabbed a Toohey's beer and sat around not talking to anyone, which is my typical style. I did meet up with a girl I had met last week, and we talked for a while about our lives. That was interesting because we had to talk over the loud music (which was live and pretty darn good, I must say). When it came to around 12am I had to say my goodbyes as I was looking for my sister.
I found her with her friends playing pool, and she told me our cousin Dave had messaged her. I thought it was strange this time of night for a family man of 3 kids to be messaging people, but he's a different bloke he is. SOoooo I messaged him too and we soon got into an interesting conversation. He told me to stay away from 'fat Kiwi chicks', and to try a swampie. So I went up to the bar and asked for one, but the bartender didn't know what it was. So I had to explain to him what it was. Kinda funny.
So again after like 5 bears, a rum&coke, and this swampie thing, I went home with my sister this time, not alone. I hope I didn't say anything stupid. I'm not really the type of person that goes to bars a lot, so i'm a bit out of my element. I don't know how to aproach girls and start making out with them or anything like that, so I will never fit in in that sense. Maybe I'm just too old.
Either way, I'm still stressed about not having a job but I gotta say it's my own fault for not trying hard enough and limiting my options like I am. Tomorrow I have a meeting at a recruitment agency so hopefully something will come of that.
I also went shopping already, and discovered a huge mall. It's pretty much the same as our malls but it is taller than it is wider, with about 5 or 6 floors. And instead of escalators to go up they have slanted walkways, like the kinds they have at airports. So less chances of your shoelaces getting stuck. I also noticed ATM machines here are WAY FASTER than ours back home. Instant access to my ever-shrinking bank account: great success!
I'm not sure what I'll do for the rest of the day, as it's only about 5PM here, but I may just chillax, even though I can't afford to sit idly by as my money is being used up. I just hope things will get better soon, because it's hard to enjoy this city without a solid income to back you up. It's an expensive tourist town, so I shouldn't have expected any less.
Well see ya'll later, and thanks for reading.
Out and About
Last night I went to the Sidebar, which is another backpacker bar. There are a lot of them around here, so you meet all kinds of internationals in them. Of course, I just grabbed a Toohey's beer and sat around not talking to anyone, which is my typical style. I did meet up with a girl I had met last week, and we talked for a while about our lives. That was interesting because we had to talk over the loud music (which was live and pretty darn good, I must say). When it came to around 12am I had to say my goodbyes as I was looking for my sister.
I found her with her friends playing pool, and she told me our cousin Dave had messaged her. I thought it was strange this time of night for a family man of 3 kids to be messaging people, but he's a different bloke he is. SOoooo I messaged him too and we soon got into an interesting conversation. He told me to stay away from 'fat Kiwi chicks', and to try a swampie. So I went up to the bar and asked for one, but the bartender didn't know what it was. So I had to explain to him what it was. Kinda funny.
So again after like 5 bears, a rum&coke, and this swampie thing, I went home with my sister this time, not alone. I hope I didn't say anything stupid. I'm not really the type of person that goes to bars a lot, so i'm a bit out of my element. I don't know how to aproach girls and start making out with them or anything like that, so I will never fit in in that sense. Maybe I'm just too old.
Either way, I'm still stressed about not having a job but I gotta say it's my own fault for not trying hard enough and limiting my options like I am. Tomorrow I have a meeting at a recruitment agency so hopefully something will come of that.
I also went shopping already, and discovered a huge mall. It's pretty much the same as our malls but it is taller than it is wider, with about 5 or 6 floors. And instead of escalators to go up they have slanted walkways, like the kinds they have at airports. So less chances of your shoelaces getting stuck. I also noticed ATM machines here are WAY FASTER than ours back home. Instant access to my ever-shrinking bank account: great success!
I'm not sure what I'll do for the rest of the day, as it's only about 5PM here, but I may just chillax, even though I can't afford to sit idly by as my money is being used up. I just hope things will get better soon, because it's hard to enjoy this city without a solid income to back you up. It's an expensive tourist town, so I shouldn't have expected any less.
Well see ya'll later, and thanks for reading.
Out and About
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Well I guess I spazzed out yesterday. I haven't really started looking for jobs in full force yet, as i am going to surf camp next week I don't want jobs to get in the way. I will just have to learn to relax a bit. I just moved into a flat with my sister and we are starting to get settled in here. I have also uploaded all the pictures to the PC. I think I will put some on my facebook page. Most of these are from Darling Harbour and some from the Sydney Aquarium and Wildlife World. Wow i hate the blogger.com uploading thing it's not very friendly for pictures, so I'll avoid using it.
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