Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Adelaide again

Well I'm here again and I'm so damn bored. Dave and Jodie are nice enough people, there just isn't enough for a bloke like me to do around here! One of Dave's friends is offering to take me out one night to a club but that isn't just my scene at all. I will try to avoid it. I have mostly been sitting at home while Dave's at work, surfing the internet. Unfortunately I sucked all his bandwidth dry by downloading an hd version of Tropic Thunder. The movie's not so great and I fell asleep while watching it, so it wasn't really worth the download. Argh! Shoulda done my research a bit before I got it. Hopefully Dave won't be upset that he can only download at 64kbps now. Good thing it's near the end of the month now, and he should be up to his 1.2Mbps in January.

I am trying not to take advantage of the situation and just freeload here, but I keep getting offered candy and coffee and all sorts of snacks so who am I to refuse it? And when we go out Dave always pays for me, so I say hey why not. Today though i'm going to my other cousin's. My aunt & uncle will pick me up around 7pm tonight and then I will stay there for the remaining time. It shouldn't be too bad. They're nice people I'm told. It will be nice to have a change of environment. This hills of Adelaide are pretty nice, they remind me of the hills in Germany a bit. Twisty roads galore!

Christmas was ok here as well. The kids got a trambopoline and inspired me to download the trampoline episode of Simpsons. Back when it was a good show. His son got a Simpsons game too, and we played it and I knew none of the answers to the trivia questions because they were being pulled from mostly newer episodes. I haven't really been following Simpsons for the 20th century at all. When will someone finally pull the plug on it??? Seriously!

I was almost tempted to buy some $100 headphones. The current ones I have are pretty tinny and i want to hear the bass when I'm listening to my chunes. It's just the only way! My sister may be coming here soon, as she is running out of money in Sydney. It's too bad we weren't together here at once.

On Sunday we went to the River Murray about an hour from Adelaide. There I tried some kneeboarding and it was epic fail!! I fell so many times and I've been sore the past two days after. This is the river where Adelaide gets all its drinking water from. The whole road leading up to it has a big pipeline going along it. We had to get to the other side of the river and there is a free ferry that does that for you. Apparently it's cheaper for them to do that than to build a bridge.

Anyway that's my boring life so far. I spent the entire day importing my 2003 and 2007 blogs into blogspot. It was heaps fun! I just want to have a centralized place where I can find everything. I just hope I don't have another EMO moment and erase it all again, because I don't have anymore backups and I enjoy reading through old posts sometimes to see home much I have or haven't learned over the years.

Well that's it.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Australia isn't for me

I know I've established this in previous blog posts, but this place just isn't for me. Namely, because I am a mass-downloader and a videogamer. Australia just doesn't cater to these demographics. Games are outrageously expensive and so is bandwidth. I read a great article on the bandwidth issue:


Very interesting read if you have 10-15 minutes to spare. Basically the long and short of it is that I'm screwed if I want to find some place with unlimited downloading. I will basically just have to pay for bandwidth from now on, there is no way around it. So I will either have to curb my habits or start buying things legit if I want to stay in this country. Sad thing is that other countries may follow suit sooner or later. Imagine paying for bandwidth like paying for gas or hydro... a travesty!

So don't worry all those who care: I will be back. Of course, my beloved eggplant probably won't be there to meet me, but I had a feeling I would be seeing her for the last time. May she rest in pieces.

Just trying to count down the days until I go to Adelaide again. 'Twill be soon. I have to eat all the perishables in my fridge before I go, that will be a laugh and a half.

_St. Joram

Monday, December 15, 2008

All alone

I was thinking today... why am I so alone. Why do I not to invite anyone into my life, yet I blog so open and free inviting complete strangers (sometimes) into my life. The people I should let into my life I keep away, and the ones that should have no business with my life I let in. It makes absolutely no sense. That is why I have come to the conclusion that I am an anomaly. I am enjoying watching the show "Big Bang Theory". It somehow hits close to home.

The stores in Australia usually close at around 5pm. It's ridiculous! I can't go and buy things at the huge mall at the Parramatta train station because people want to go home by 5. It's only on Thursdays that stores are open 'late', till around 8. So funny! When will the Aussies learn and have retail stores open until late every day. Only now, during Chrissy, they will have the stores open to reasonable hours when us working stiffs can actually take advantage.

Well this is the last week I am working in 2008. Good times! Fair Dinkum! Good on ya matey! Tomorrow is Tuesday and hopefully my noisy neighbour/flatmate will move out. He drinks like no tomorrow and then complains to me that he has health problems! I have to wear headphones so that I don't hear his noisy rants into the wee hours of the morning. Him and his brother sit outside and drink drink drink as many Australians do. But this is too much for me. I need my beauty sleep.

I am slowly starting to recover my missing collection of goodies. Of course my connection is only 256kbps so it will take a while, but I already managed to grab all the Office episodes I missed, some H264 movies, and lots and lots of mp3s. Life is starting to go back to normal. Friends? I have none here. They have all left already. And going to church well... that has almost died completely within me. I just don't want to hear about it anymore. I have become cold to the whole thing. Even though I live closer to Hillsong I don't want anything to do with it. I really have no idea what's wrong with me. Why can't I be like everyone else and be a normal social functioning adult human being?

Next week I am going to Adelaide again. It will hopefully be fun times again. Dave is a cool guy and very hospitable. I hope I can return the favour when he comes to visit me in Canada someday. I will also hopefully spend time with his siblings, my other cousins, up in the hills of Adelaide. There is a bakery there where I just have to try the German Pretzels. Oh yes I went there and CAPITALIZED that word, lulz.

Well sorry to all those that were following the blog, I promise to keep it up now. I will just have to avoid being so personal and be more general. That way I can avoid being outed by my next potential employer as a loser whom they would never want to hire.

Later all, thanks for listening to my rants.


Blog is gooooooooooonzo

Well in an EMO-moment I erased my blog. What can I say. It was silly. Hopefully things will be back to normal from now on.
